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Facebook Utility and Online Business

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Facebook is the one of the internet tool that be favorite tool in the world community also in Indonesia. The realt time information that was provided by Facebook facilitated the members and the community to share information anything to the other community's member. Apart from as the community's social implement latest, facebook also could be made means in doing Online Business to sell the certain product. You could see, in every groups and age, Facebook has been one of the most favorite tools that used by teenagers or adolescent as ABG - Remaja Indonesia, adults as the employees, the housewifes and even by some groups of older.

On the basis of the wide network, Facebook became the choice for the perpetrators of the online business to introduce a concept of the business, marketing of their product and carried out the business transaction it self. For a business man, facebook meant a list of business contact, your appearance, the group of the business, the list of the prospect, the application of the social media. Meaning that through the society network that distributed information, you could find many opportunities to be connected with the other person.
Other reasons why made facebook as one of the alternatives in carrying out the online business along with:
Social presence marketing is the activity of the promotion where someone participating in discussions that have gone in market that was aimed , you tried to give something that increased the benefit from some discussion compared with trying to disturb every one. In Facebook, really, is easy to give the contribution in a community, and really was easy for someone to find you.

Anyone that combined in Facebook had the option to fill up their appearance. You could look for the appearance be based on keyword, or found the group and events be based on keyword. Every time you login in Facebook, the homepage part give you the update from each relations that was owned and they have decide to distribute them to whom by login via their appearance. And when the other person visited your Facebook account, mini-feed that you are in the part on the page of your appearance was the first seen by them that be met update each one of your activities. With this capacity, you could spread the news to your Facebook. If they found something that pulled and carried out an action or the response, then the action or their response will be seen also to each connection on their relations.

Facebook had the capacity to help you to find the person who was known by you, or wanted to be known by you. Conversation was begun with various matters, like hobby, update the status and the birthday reminder. Information was divided directly, viral, and without the cost. You could control the quality of the data by controlling the quality of people that connected with you. Therefore people that understood about Facebook have to use it carefully and always thorough concerning the quality of the news that they connecting inside.

With the number of users of the Facebook at this time, and even more of them as the new user, it si very possibly that became your target market in Facebook. With the Facebook capacity in developing the relations that was believed with the client and your prospect, then with their union into your group, or added you as the list of their friend to interact, then this has been opt-in. You could carry out the interaction that was more intense with them, through the photograph, the video, the Private messages, public messages, you could develop their belief with efforts or your business.

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