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After the request as a publisher was agreed by Google Adsense Program, furthermore we will be given the adsense code unit in order to be able to put forward the advertisement in the publishers web page or the blog page.
To get the adsense code units, just log on to the Google Account directly and chose the tab Adsense Configuration. At this page there are several choices of the advertisement product that wanted to be put forward in blog page, such as Adsense for Content, Adsense for the Search, Adsense for Feed and Adsense for Domain. To put forward the picture or the text advertisement, chose link Adsense for Content and followed the guidance that was given by Google Adsense until we found the step where being given by the advertisement (adsense code unit) in the HTML or JavaScript format.

Further the adsense code unit that was described above, copy and parse to the page of the site that was desired. To place the advertisement unit that was given to the blog page, immediately log on to your blog. At the page of the Dashboard, chose the lay out and click on add gadget menu.
In the gadget page, chose the menu of HTML/Javascript that will appear in the empty page that eventually become the place for the advertisement unit (adsense code unit). From the page of the account google adsense, copy the advertisement unit that earlier was given. To be warned, the publishers could not permitted to edit the advertisement unit that was given, publisher must copyed and parse completely all of HTML that appeared without being changed by only a few. Carried out the change in HTML of the advertisement unit could caused your participation was stopped because of violating Google Adsense Term Of Services.

Immediately after parse the advertisement adsense unit, pressed Save swicth. To see the advertisement that already parse in the page blog, chose the Preview switch. This step could help us to ascertain the location of the advertisement was placed in suitable appearance.
Have a nice Try! To put forward the Adsense for Search unit, we used the same method. Whereas for the Adsense for feed and Adsense for Domain, could follow the guidances that was given directly by Google Adsense Program.
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